Sunday, July 10, 2011

fabulous curls WITHOUT heat... you heard me.

I know you've seen girls (maybe even some guys) with those amazing loose curls. I love the look, but don't have time to get up and curl my hair in the morning- it is so much easier to throw it into a ponytail and go! Another problem is standing there and curling my hair... pick up strand, little bit of hairspray, curl, repeat. It is a long process for me because I have such thick hair so I don't mess with it. Well, this method makes it sooooo easy to get the look you want. You put your hair up, go to sleep and take it out when you wake up- and I am willing to bet you already have ALL the tools you need! Below are the pictures of how mine turned out and some simple directions to do your own hair!

What you need: elastic headband... that's all! :)

It's hard to see in the pictures because J's hair is so dark, but you are going to pull the hair up and wrap behind the elastic headband. You will continue this process until all of the hair is up. If you use smaller strands of hair, you will get tighter curls... duh, right?!

and THIS is how mine turned out...

I got this from thelipstickdiaries video on YouTube. You can find her video HERE!

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