Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Who knew old t-shirts were so useful?!

Yes, it's ANOTHER way to turn an old shirt into something freaking FAB-U-LOUS. Any complaints... Didn't think so! While cleaning out my closest and getting rid of 27 pairs of shoes (you heard right), I started to go through my clothes and realized I have a TON of solid color long sleeve shirts. Some of them are great and others fit weird, like the one I used to make my NEW and AMAZING leopard trimmed black cardigan! THIS is where cleaning/organizing stopped and crafting started... I think I have a problem.

Are you ready for this... You will need an old (or new) shirt, scissors, embellishments and a sewing machine (you can always stitch by hand).

Cut down the middle of the shirt. Add whatever you desire to the edges. I used leopard print fabric scraps, but ribbon would look great! Sew it on and add whatever embellishments you want- buttons, rhinestones, whatever!! Seriously... in 10 minutes I had a brand new cardigan that I absolutely LOVE. Now if it would cool down so I can wear it!

Here is a picture of mine... Yes, it is a really weird angle because I had to take it of myself. When I asked Jadyn to take it, I ended up with a picture of the fan. What better use for an old black shirt with a stretched out neck?! It is still a work in progress but I was too excited to wait! Oh man, I love cardigans. :)

R.C.- I'm pretty sure you love cardigans as much as I do so this is for you! MAKE ONE!! :)

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